Making a Difference
Asaba Association provides the avenue whereby group efforts enhance individual skills and experiences in bringing about change in the lives of the underserved members of society.

Networking and Friendship

Members are able to forge long-lasting relationships and network with one-another.  The life-long bonds formed have greatly contributed to the growth and success of the organization.

Life Insurance

Asaba Association members will be able to purchase, on a purely voluntary, non-mandatory, basis, life insurance policy at group rates (with a designated family member as a beneficiary).  The life insurance policy requires no medical tests. The association will not pay, support, or contribute towards the life insurance premiums.

If you are interested in joining, please download a Membership Form here.
Kindly donate to our cause. No amount is too small.
$50 covers 1 table/chair set for 2 students.

Asaba Association, Inc.

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Asaba Association's membership is open to all interested individuals who meet the qualifications of the organization.  The qualifications include agreement with the nonprofit purpose of Asaba Association and to abide by the bylaws of the organization. All members shall indentify with the objectives, aspirations and interests of the Association.

Asaba Association is member-run under the stewardship of member-elected executives and board of directors. 

Membership Types
There are two types of members - Standard and Honorary Members.  Standard Members have the right to vote and are required to pay dues.  Honorary Members are non-Standard Members who have been accepted as members of the board of directors.  Honorary Members have no financial obligations to the organization.

Registration / Dues
One-time Registration Fee: $25 (Single), $35  (Married Couple)
Dues: $60/year

Membership Meetings
Members meet on the second Sunday of every other month.  Currently meetings are scheduled for January, March, May, July, September and November each year.

Asaba Association, Inc.
c/o President
9007 Tarpleys Circle
Rosedale, MD 21237

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